ASBP Blood Drive - March 7

Armed Services Blood Program at the National Museum of the US Air Force with a stack of open hands holding a pink bllood drop shape with a white cross in it.Give the gift of life with your blood donation at the museum!

Friday, March 7 from 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m under the wings of the B-52 in the second building. Walk-ins are welcome or pre-register by clicking the image or clicking HERE.

ASBP will provide t-shirts and snacks following your donation. 

All blood types are accepted and there is currently a significant need for type O blood.  Additionally, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has updated guidance for the Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) or “Mad Cow” disease deferral. Contact the Armed Services Blood Program for more information.

OceanXperience Feb. 5 - April 27

OceanXperience by Flying Fish Exhibits. Open through April 27, 2025.

OceanXperience is an immersive, one-of-a-kind, adventure-driven exhibition designed to raise awareness for the world’s oceans.

OceanXperience puts you in the driver’s seat of a personalized adventure. Step aboard an interactive replica of the OceanXplorer, the most advanced research and filmmaking vessel in the world, and choose a mission that ignites your curiosity. Explore the ship and engage in hands-on STEM-based research tasks as your journey is tracked and enhanced by RFID technology.


The most exciting rooms from the ship have been recreated to give a sense of actually being a scientist onboard OceanXplorer, including:

  • Mission Control
  • Bridge
  • Wet Lab
  • Dry Lab
  • Sub Hangar

This exhibition is created by Flying Fish Exhibits and made possible through generous support by the Air Force Museum Foundation(Federal Endorsement Not Implied).The admission charge of $12 will grant entry into OceanXperience and Drop in the Ocean and will help cover the cost of bringing these cutting-edge exhibitions to the Museum. Education groups that pre-register with the Foundation will receive free admission to OceanXperience. Educational groups can preregister by emailing or contacting the foundation by phone at 937-751-1580.

The Air Force Museum Foundation, the 501(c)(3) nonprofit that is the largest external single source funder for the Museum, is financing the exhibit’s run at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, February 5 - April 27, 2025, with help from individual and corporate support.   *Federal Endorsement not implied. 

Upcoming Plane Talks


Honor the service and sacrifice of our nation's service members with a "Plane Talks" on Feb. 15, March 29, and May 17 from 10:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Visitors are invited to listen and interact with subject matter experts located throughout the museum’s galleries as they speak about their unique experiences serving our nation's Air Force, and learn more about the artifacts and aircraft located in the museum.

Plane Talks occurs a few times a year, bringing to life the development and service history of the aircraft and exhibits on display at the museum. Various subject matter experts will be stationed in the galleries near the aircraft or exhibit that relates to their expertise. Experts include veterans, active duty, former pilots, crew members, engineers, navigators, and more. Plane Talks programs often occur in conjunction with the anniversary of a significant Air Force or military event. 
All Plane Talks occur from 10:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted.

Micro Drone Races

Micro Drone Races: Feb. 28 - March 2, 2025

See fast flying micro machines as pilots maneuver their drones over, under, around and through the C-124 Globemaster II and Twin Mustang aircraft during a micro drone races that will take place in the museum’s second building. Spectators will be able to watch the race along the course, as well as from a large screen that will show the drones’ perspective as they are racing. The race will also be live streamed to the Cincinnati Quad Racers YouTube channel.

mark your calendar for these exciting events in 2025

Mark your calendar now and stay tuned here and on our Facebook page for upcoming details on these exciting events!

Blood Drive: Feb. 7
OceanXperience: Feb. 5 - April 27
After Dark: Swing the Night Away (AF Museum Foundation): Feb. 8
Plane Talks: Feb. 15, March 29, May 17, and Nov. 8
Micro Drone Races: Feb. 28 - March 2
Bunny Trail: Apr. 19
Scale HeliStorm: May 30 - Jun. 1

Wings, Rails and Wheels Model Expo: Aug. 2
Troops and Treats: Oct. 25
Holiday Tree Festival: Nov. 24 - Dec. 31



Host your event here!

Interested in hosting a private event or meeting at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force?

Submit your upcoming event request, or inquire about hosting your private event at the museum: click HERE.

Contact Us

For additional questions about upcoming Museum events, please contact us at