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Forward Air Control Communications

Since Air Force and Army radios were not compatible, Mosquito airborne FACs and TACP personnel were critical for communicating between ground and air units.


  1. Mosquito T-6s communicated with all the other elements using different radios, including the 8-channel ARC-3 and the portable SCR-300 (or "walkie-talkie").
  2. USAF Tactical Air Control Parties (TACPs), provided ground control of close air support in concert with airborne Mosquitoes and could also communicate with all elements.
  3. Ground forces could communicate directly with airborne forward air controllers via the SCR-300 "walkie-talkie" if necessary.
  4. Fighter aircraft were directed to the front by Mellow Control and Mosquito Mellow. When they arrived, airborne Mosquitoes directed them to specific targets.
  5. Mosquito Mellow (also called Mosquito Shirley), whose crew included US Army personnel, relayed information and could divert air strikes for greater efficiency.
  6. Mellow Control (TACC or Tactical Air Control Center) allocated fighter aircraft to different areas of the front based on information given by Mosquito Mellow and individual Mosquito forward air controllers.

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