Tactical Air Command in the Mid-1960s In the mid-1960s, Tactical Air Command (TAC) experienced a period of rapid growth. As a result of the increasing importance of tactical air power, plus the impact of the Vietnam Conflict, it practically doubled in size and strength. In the late 1960s, the Composite Air Strike Force (CSAF) was replaced by the "Bare Base" concept which provided for air transportable packages of reusable shelters, munitions, fuel and other necessities. The Bare Base concept permitted a tactical air strike force to deploy into any suitable landing strip in the world and to operate independently without the usual resupply requirements. During the period of 1950-1960, TAC fighter forces became totally supersonic with the assignment of the F-100, F-101, F-104 and F-105. It was further strengthened in the 1960-1970 period by delivery of the F-4, F-111 and A-7D. At this same time, TAC provided planes, crews and the totally necessary but generally unsung support personnel for the constantly expanding Vietnam Conflict. TAC also developed Replacement Training Units in the United States to prepare air crews for Southeast Asia combat. In addition to all these requirements, seizure of the USS Pueblo by North Korean forces on Jan. 23, 1968, required TAC to call up 18,000 Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard personnel and equipment, and deploy a large percentage of its strength to the Far East. Click here to return to the Tactical Air Command Overview.