Air Force Vocabulary D-I DACT: (n) Dissimilar Air Combat Training. DCA: (n) defensive counterair. Defensive Counter Space: Operations to preserve U.S./friendly ability to exploit space to its advantage via active and passive actions to protect friendly space-related capabilities from adversary attack or interference. DIRSAPCEFOR: The DIRSPACEFOR serves as the senior space advisory to the COMAFFOR or COMAFFOR/JFACC. The DIRSPACEFOR conducts coordination, integration and staffing activities to tailor space support for the COMAFFOR/JFACC. The DIRSPACEFOR is a senior Air Force officer with space expertise and theater familiarity, nominated by AFSPC/CC and appointed by the theater COMAFFOR. The DIRSPACEFOR is attached to the COMAFFOR, and should be part of the COMAFFOR's or COMAFFOR/JFACC/s special staff. Effects: (n) physical and/or psychological outcomes, events or consequences that result from a specific military action. They may occur at all levels of war and can produce follow-on outcomes. Effects-Based Operations: (n) military actions, such as operations, targeting or strategy, that are designed to produce distinctive and desired results. Also called EBO. Force Protection: (n) actions taken to prevent or mitigate hostile actions against DoD personnel (including family members), resources, facilities and critical information. These actions conserve the force's fighting potential so it can be applied at the decisive time and place and incorporate the coordinated and synchronized offensive and defensive measures to enable the effective employment of the Joint Force while degrading the opportunities of the enemy. Force protection does not include actions to defeat the enemy or protect against accidents, weather or disease. Integration: (n) 1. in force protection, the synchronized transfer of units into an operational commander's force prior to mission execution. 2. the arrangement of military forces and their actions to create a force that operates by engaging as a whole. Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR): (n) integrated capabilities to collect, process, exploit and disseminate accurate and timely information that provides the battlespace awareness necessary to successfully plan and conduct operations. Intertheater Airlift: (n) [Formerly called strategic airlift]. The common-user airlift linking theaters to the continental United States and to other theaters as well as the airlift within the continental United States. Intratheater Airlift: (n) [Formerly called theater airlift]. Airlift conducted within a theater. Assets assigned to a geographic combatant commander or attached to a subordinate joint force commander normally conduct intratheater airlift operations. Intratheater airlift provides air movement and delivery of personnel and equipment directly into objective areas through air landing, airdrop, extraction or other delivery techniques, as well as the air logistic support of all theater forces, including those engaged in combat operations, to meet specific theater objectives and requirements. During large-scale operations, U.S. Transportation Command assets may be tasked to augment intratheater airlift operations, and may be temporarily attached to a joint force commander. Click here to return to the Air Force Vocabulary page.