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Field Order No. 58 Intelligence Annex

Annex 2 to Field Order No 58


1. a. (1) (a) There have been no recent reports to determine the present anitaircraft defenses of the target. Information received from sources believed to be reliable indicates that the total of heavy and medium antiaircraft guns is under 100 for the total refinery area. It is reliably reported that there are two gun positions on the roof of the railroad station directly adjacent to the Astra ROMANA oil refinery. Reliable authority asserts that one-half of the antiaircraft defense of this area has been taken over by the Germans. The same source reveals that in all probability the heavy guns are manned by GERMAN crews, whereas the medium guns are manned by Rumanians.

BALLOONS: Detailed information about balloon defenses is not available, but most recent sources of information estimate that under 100 balloons are distributed throughout the area for the defense of the refineries. These balloons are believed to be of ordinary German type and are anchored by 2.7 and 3 millimeter cables.

RDF: Enemy RDF installations are believed to be located in the valley lying east of the Danube. Expert opinion estimates that the primary function of these installations is to cover the EASTERN approach to the oilfields. The same opinion asserts that it is not possible for RDF equipment to penetrate the WESTERN mountain approach as these mountains serve to deflect the radio beam of the installations.

SMOKESCREEN: It is reported that the enemy has made provision for laying a smokescreen across the refineries in the event of attack.

CAMOUFLAGE: Reports have been received that the enemy has endeavored to camouflage the refineries by altering the vertical appearance of the installations.

NOTE: It is estimated that the defense of this area has been calculated against attacks developing from the EAST and NORTHEAST. Further, the layout of guns, both heavy and medium, the smokescreen and camouflage have been devised for high level day or night attacks. No information has ever been received that the enemy has made provision for a low level daylight attack coming from the WEST.

(b) It is known that there are 6 airfields in the area for the defense of the refineries. Both German and Rumanian fighter aircraft are located on these airfields. The most recent information as to fighter strengths will be received prior to the operation. It is most important to take into consideration the fact that neither fighter nor antiaircraft defenses have been in action for a period of one year and a resultant decline of efficiency is to be expected. It has been reported that the fighter defenses of this area are divided between the German and Rumanian Air Forces.

(2) (a) The briefed course to the target has been devised to avoid all antiaircraft defenses en route. The provisional return course is similarly not across defended areas.

(b) There are no known enemy fighter airfields from the place of departure until the Danube is reached. From the Danube onward, enemy airfields have been sighted for the defense of the area. careful watch is being kept on the current enemy order of battle in the Eastern Mediterranean. The locations and strength of enemy fighter aircraft two days before the operation will determine the route back of the mission.