With its long loiter time, pin-point accuracy, and rugged construction, the A-1 Skyraider excelled at Rescue Escort (RESCORT) to recover downed aircrew.
The first USAF A-1s assigned to RESCORT duty came from the 602nd Air Fighter Squadron (Commando) in August 1965. Skyraiders rotated from Bien Hoa AB, South Vietnam to Udorn RTAFB, Thailand.
RESCORT required four A-1s. Two Skyraiders, known as Sandy Low, flew towards the downed aircrew, while the other two, Sandy High, rendezvoused with the rescue helicopters.
The ranking Sandy Low pilot assumed command of the rescue effort. Sandy Low aircraft located and identified the downed aircrew by radio and provided close air support if needed. Once the area was safe, the Sandy High Skyraiders escorted the helicopters to the site. All four A-1s protected the area during the rescue and once completed, escorted the helicopters to safety.
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