During the Southeast Asia War, the Air Force deployed specialized Prime BEEF and Red Horse engineering teams that played a critical role building up and sustaining bases.
First arriving in South Vietnam in 1965, Prime BEEF (Base Engineer Emergency Force) teams gave civil engineering support for deployed personnel and aircraft. Prime BEEF engineers provided a wide range of services, including communication, housing, sewage, electrical, lighting, and general construction.
When operations required support above normal base civil engineer capabilities, the USAF called on RED HORSE (Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron, Engineer) units. The first of these arrived in 1966 to improve airfields, but they quickly expanded their role. RED HORSE personnel from seven squadrons constructed roads, utilities, hardened aircraft shelters, and other major facilities throughout South Vietnam, Thailand, and eventually Korea following the 1968 USS Pueblo incident.
After the Southeast Asia War ended, Air Force leaders recognized the need to keep quick-reacting engineering forces in peacetime. Prime BEEF and RED HORSE units built aircraft shelters, repaired runways, and completed many other construction projects around the world. In addition, they deployed to assist recovery efforts after hurricanes, floods, and volcanic eruptions.
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