Optical Reconnaissance Cameras Air Force reconnaissance aircraft in Southeast Asia carried optical and infrared cameras. Optical cameras needed visible light to record images on film -- they could also be used at night with photoflash cartridges. Some USAF aircraft took photographs of variations in heat using infrared cameras, which proved more effective at night and in bad weather than optical cameras. Chicago Aerial Industries KA-45 Optical Camera This KA-45 took 4.5-inch-by-4.5-inch negatives and is fitted with a low-altitude 6-inch lens cone. The KA-45 was used in the RF-101C and RF-4C. Fairchild KA-56 Panoramic Optical Camera The KA-56 took low-altitude panoramic (horizon-to-horizon) images with a prism lens. The KA-56 was carried in the RF-101C, RF-4C and RB-57E. Chicago Aerial Industries KS-87 Optical Camera This KS-87 took 4.5-inch-by-4.5-inch negatives and is equipped with a medium-altitude 12-inch lens cone. The KS-87 was used in the RF-4C. Photoflash Cartridges USAF aircraft used photoflash cartridges to provide light for optical cameras at night. After being ejected from an aircraft, they flashed for about 1/5 of a second. The smaller 1-pound M-112 cartridge flashed at 110 million candlepower, while the larger 4.3-pound M-123 cartridge flashed at 265 million candlepower (equivalent to the light from 265 million candles). Click here to return to the Photo-reconnaissance Overview. Find Out More Related Fact Sheets McDonnell RF-101C Voodoo McDonnell Douglas RF-4C Phantom II Note: The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the National Museum of the USAF, the U.S. Air Force, or the Department of Defense, of the external website, or the information, products or services contained therein.