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Air Force Museum Foundation

1st Lt. Karl Richter: Consecutive 100-mission tours

First Lt. Karl Richter's story is one of remarkable courage and perseverance. An Air Force Academy graduate, Richter flew F-105Ds in the 421st TFS, 388th TFW, Korat RTAFB. He flew aggressively and volunteered for the most hazardous missions. In September 1966, he shot down a MiG-17. 

As he neared the end of his 100-mission tour, Richter asked for and received permission to fly 100 more missions back-to-back. On his second tour, he was awarded an Air Force Cross for a mission on April 20, 1967, in which he vigorously suppressed heavy AAA and SAM defenses. 

In July 1967, on his 198th mission, Lt. Richter was hit by enemy fire and ejected over sharp limestone rocks known as karst. He was mortally injured when he hit the rocks.

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