Image of the Air Force wings with the museum name underneath

Open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 
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Minuteman Timeline

1958 -- Department of Defense approves development 

1961 -- First successful test flight 

1962 -- Minuteman I operational (150 Minuteman 1A and 650 Minuteman 1B deployed in 16 squadrons) 

1966 -- Minuteman II operational (450 deployed in nine squadrons) 

1969 -- Last Minuteman I replaced by Minuteman II 

1970 -- Minuteman III operational (550 initially deployed in eleven squadrons) 

1991 -- Minuteman II system begins deactivation 

1995 -- Last Minuteman II removed from silo 

2007 -- USAF begins deactivating 100 Minuteman III 

2008 -- 450 Minuteman III operational

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