Image of the Air Force wings with the museum name underneath

Open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 
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Feature Search

  • Bailout bottles

    Plans call for this artifact to be displayed near the B-17F Memphis Belle™ as part of the new strategic bombardment exhibit in the WWII Gallery, which opens to the public on May 17, 2018. Bailout bottles, which were attached to the parachute harness or an Airman’s leg, provided enough oxygen to

  • M8 flare gun

    Plans call for this artifact to be displayed near the B-17F Memphis Belle™ as part of the new strategic bombardment exhibit in the WWII Gallery, which opens to the public on May 17, 2018. M8 flare gun used for signaling.  For instance, bomber crewmen fired a red flare to indicate a wounded crewman

  • J-37 telegraph key

    Plans call for this artifact to be displayed near the B-17F Memphis Belle™ as part of the new strategic bombardment exhibit in the WWII Gallery, which opens to the public on May 17, 2018. J-37 telegraph key used by bomber radio operators to send Morse code messages over long distances. Click here

  • Flying suit worn by Col Leon Johnson

    Plans call for this artifact to be displayed near the B-17F Memphis Belle™ as part of the new strategic bombardment exhibit in the WWII Gallery, which opens to the public on May 17, 2018. Flying suit worn by Col Leon Johnson, 44th Bomb Group commander and Medal of Honor recipient, on the August 1,

  • Handheld 16mm movie camera

    Plans call for this artifact to be displayed near the B-17F Memphis Belle™ as part of the new strategic bombardment exhibit in the WWII Gallery, which opens to the public on May 17, 2018. Handheld 16mm movie camera used during the “shuttle bombing” raids, when USAAF heavy bombers flew from bases in

  • Goggles, oxygen mask, and helmet worn by B-17 pilot Capt William Rector

    Plans call for this artifact to be displayed near the B-17F Memphis Belle™ as part of the new strategic bombardment exhibit in the WWII Gallery, which opens to the public on May 17, 2018. Goggles, oxygen mask, and helmet worn by B-17 pilot Capt William Rector on the USAAF’s first major raid against

  • Bomb casing

    Plans call for this artifact to be displayed near the B-17F Memphis Belle™ as part of the new strategic bombardment exhibit in the WWII Gallery, which opens to the public on May 17, 2018. Bomb casing retrieved after 1,200 tons of bombs accidentally exploded at a dump—within it is the sole of a shoe

  • Bullet tied to a handkerchief

    Plans call for this artifact to be displayed near the B-17F Memphis Belle™ as part of the new strategic bombardment exhibit in the WWII Gallery, which opens to the public on May 17, 2018. B-17 pilot Lawrence Dwyer celebrated his last mission on May 14, 1943 by dropping this bullet tied to a

  • Field jacket worn by Sgt Larry Gardner

    Plans call for this artifact to be displayed near the B-17F Memphis Belle™ as part of the new strategic bombardment exhibit in the WWII Gallery, which opens to the public on May 17, 2018.Field jacket worn by B-24 tail gunner Sgt Larry Gardner.  During his tour, he was shot down and rescued by

  • Sgt Richard Benson's uniform trousers

    Plans call for this artifact to be displayed near the B-17F Memphis Belle™ as part of the new strategic bombardment exhibit in the WWII Gallery, which opens to the public on May 17, 2018. Sgt Richard Benson, a ball turret gunner in the 34th Bomb Group, Eighth Air Force, painted his missions on these

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