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  • Capt. John S. Walmsley Jr.

    Capt. John Springer Walmsley, Jr. served as a flying instructor in the United States and Japan throughout the 1940s. In June 1951 Walmsley went to Korea as a B-26 pilot in the 8th Squadron, 3rd Bomb Group. He completed 25 combat missions.On Sept. 14, 1951, Walmsley successfully attacked an enemy

  • Ceasefire

    "We are pretty sure now that the communists wanted peace, not because of a two-year stalemate on the ground, but to get airpower off their back."- Gen. O.P. Weyland, Far East Air Forces Commander Facing increasing UN air power pressure, the communists finally signed a ceasefire on July 27, 1953,

  • Commitment Remains: U.S.-ROK Defense Cooperation

    "The Republic of Korea today was made possible by the noble sacrifices of the Korean War veterans."-Statement from Republic of Korea Prime Minister Chung Un-Chan and Former Prime Minister Lee Hong-KooThe legacies of the Korean war are lasting commitment to democratic ideals and steadfast action to

  • Cleveland Tractor Co. Medium M2 Tractor

    This M2 Tractor, popularly known as a "Cletrac," is an example of one type of vehicle used at AAF bases during World War II for moving aircraft and heavy trailers. The Cletrac was particularly effective for moving vehicles or aircraft that had become bogged down in mud. The M2 has a gross weight of

  • Cpl. Vernon L. Burge

    *Artifacts from this exhibit have been temporarily removed for conservation.Cpl. Vernon L. Burge became the first enlisted pilot three years after the Army bought its first airplane. He was Lt. Benjamin Foulois' mechanic on Signal Corps airplane No. 1 at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas, in 1910, and Lt.

  • Col. Gene Raymond

    When Nazi Germany invaded Poland in 1939, Gene Raymond became convinced that the U.S. would someday be drawn into the war. At his own expense, he took flying lessons to become a pilot, and following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, he interrupted his motion picture career and

  • Celebrities in Uniform

    When the U.S. began re-arming for World War II, the vast majority of Americans believed it was not only a duty to serve their country, it was an honor. Among the millions who willingly went into military service were many celebrities from stage, screen, sports, radio and music. This display is

  • Charles Alfred “Chief” Anderson

    A world-famous flier before World War II, Chief Anderson became the first African American to earn a commercial pilot license. In 1940 the Tuskegee Institute hired him as its chief flight instructor to develop its pilot training program. The U.S. Army Air Corps awarded Tuskegee the contract to

  • Civilian Pilot Training Program

    In the 1930s several European nations built up their air forces in part by training civilians as pilots in anticipation of possible conflict. In the United States, a similar program, known as the Civilian Pilot Training Program (CPTP) began in 1938. President Franklin D. Roosevelt supported the

  • Crossroads: Basic Flying School

    During basic flight training, a cadet received approximately 70 hours in the air during a nine-week period. The basic school made military pilots of those who had learned only the fundamentals of flight in primary school. In addition to operating an airplane of greater weight, horsepower and speed,