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  • Vapor Special Operations Supercar

     The Vapor Special Operations Supercar is a showcase of US Air Force ingenuity, state-of the-art technology, and innovation.  The Vapor was one of two custom-built automobiles commissioned by the Air Force Recruiting Service in 2009 for its Project Supercar recruiting campaign.  This fully

  • Vought ASM-135A Anti-Satellite Missile

    The ASM-135A anti-satellite missile (ASAT) was the only U.S. air-launched missile ever to destroy a satellite. In the late 1970s, the U.S. anticipated Soviet development of “killer satellites” that could destroy vital U.S. reconnaissance and communication satellites. The anti-satellite missile

  • VB-10 Guided Bomb

    Note: This item is currently in storage.The VB-10 was a radio-guided bomb in the ROC series which was directed by a bombardier in response to data broadcast from a television camera in the nose of the bomb or in response to visual sighting. The VB-10 used a standard 1,000-pound bomb and a circular

  • VB-9 Guided Bomb

    Note: This item is currently in storage.The VB-9, one of the first of the "ROC" series of medium angle guided bombs, used a 1,000-pound general purpose bomb. The ROC nickname was derived from a giant mythological bird in tales from the Arabian Nights. The VB-9 was designed with four symmetrically

  • VB-6 Felix Guided Bomb

    Note: This item is currently in storage.The Felix was a 1,000-pound bomb fitted with moveable control surfaces and an electronic device in the nose which caused the bomb to "home in" on targets giving off sufficient heat. Suitable targets would have been those producing sufficient internal heat

  • Viewmaster Training Aid

    Note: This item is currently in storage.This Viewmaster belonged to Dale Malone Heverling Sr., the donor's father-in-law. It features 78 reels of slides to teach the identification of U.S., English, Russian, Italian, German and Japanese aircraft during World War II. Donated by Dr. Robert E Briesch

  • Vladimirov KPV ZPU-4

    Note: This item is currently in storage.This ZPU-4 is a Soviet-built anti-aircraft gun. It is composed of four KPV 14.5mm heavy machine guns mounted on a four-wheel carriage. The ZPU-4 was used by the Iraqis in 1991 during Operation Desert Storm. The effective range for the anti-aircraft gun was

  • Vertol CH-21B Workhorse

    This aircraft has been moved to storage.Designed by helicopter pioneer Frank Piasecki, the Vertol H-21 first flew in April 1952. With two main rotors, its long fuselage could hold large numbers of people or heavy cargo loads. Later adaptations allowed the aircraft to perform rescue and assault

  • V-2 Rocket

    This rocket engine powered Germany's V-2 "Vengeance Weapon" during World War II. The engine was a technical achievement, using high-speed pumps to move large volumes of fuel into the thrust chamber very quickly. Its design also contributed to American rocketry following WWII.The V-2's liquid oxygen

  • Vietnamization, 1969-1973

    President Richard Nixon's Vietnamization policy implemented a phased withdrawal of American ground forces and their replacement by South Vietnamese troops. However, the USAF continued supplying critical air support. Tactical air power became a key part of the Allied incursions into communist