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  • Mines: A Legacy of War

    Three Bosnian children died when they strayed into a minefield on April 10, 2000. The death of these innocent children reminded the world that Bosnia and Herzegovina still suffered from a war that had ended almost five years earlier. Approximately 18,000 known minefields remained after the war, and

  • MD-3 Ground Power Unit

    This unit was designed to provide 28-volt DC 1500 amp, 115/220-volt AC three-phase electrical power for B-47 aircraft for ground operation and start. It also can be used with other aircraft (such as the T-33) that have power requirements compatible with its output. It uses a Continental 180-hp

  • MHU-7/M Bomb Lift Trailer

    The MHU-7/M Bomb Lift Trailer is used to transport bombs from a storage site to an aircraft. Shown here are training versions of MK 28RI thermonuclear bombs secured to a "clip-in" assembly. The assembly is mounted on a cradle transported by the MHU-7/M. After being moved into position beside the

  • MA-1A Start Cart

    The MA-1A start cart generates high velocity air for starting an aircraft jet engine. That air is fed into the aircraft engine, causing it to spin or "spool up" with sufficient rpm for starting. The cart's air delivery system is powered by a small turbine engine.Click here to return to the Cold War

  • Military Liaison Mission Sign

    Immediately after World War II, the Western allied powers made agreements with the Soviet Union to allow the establishment of small military liaison missions within the German zones of occupation. The United States Military Liaison Mission (USMLM) to the Soviets was established in Potsdam, Deutsche

  • Maintaining the Berlin Airlift

    An equal challenge to supplying the city of Berlin was the need for the Airlift forces to supply and maintain themselves. During the Airlift's peak months, the U.S. Air Force provided maintenance support not only for the 324 assigned aircraft, but also for 1,600 motor vehicles and 500 ground power

  • MC-11 Air Compressor

    This item of ground support equipment can provide low pressure compressed air for such tasks as inflating tires and high pressure air for servicing landing gear shock struts. It also was used for starting aircraft engines on Air Defense Command aircraft which had air driven starter systems, such as

  • Martin TM-61A Matador

    As the U.S. Air Force's first pilotless bomber, the Matador used a concept similar to the German V-1 "buzz bomb" of World War II. Originally designated the B-61, the TM-61A surface-to-surface tactical missile carried either a conventional or nuclear warhead. Launched from a mobile 40-foot trailer by

  • MK82 Air Inflatable Retarder Bomb

    The MK82 AIR is a 500-pound bomb modified with a BSU-49 high drag tail assembly. The "ballute" air bag, which deploys from the tail, provides a high speed, low altitude delivery capability by quickly slowing the bomb and allowing the aircraft to escape the blast pattern. The pilot may select either

  • Mark 41 Thermonuclear Bomb

    The Mk-41 "hydrogen" bomb, first produced in 1960, is now obsolete and no longer in USAF service. Designed to be carried by B-47, B-52 and B-70 aircraft, it was to be released at high-altitude, using parachutes to retard its fall, thereby permitting the releasing plane to escape from the target area