Image of the Air Force wings with the museum name underneath

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  • Triumph and Tragedy: Maj. John "Jack" L. Armstrong

    On Sept. 3, 1954, Maj. John "Jack" L. Armstrong, an Air Force test pilot at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, flew an F-86H to set a new speed record of 649.302 mph for the 500-km course. For this feat, Maj. Armstrong was awarded the General Electric Trophy, but sadly, he was unable to accept

  • Tech. Sgt. John H. "Jake" Schuffert

    Tech. Sgt. John H. "Jake" Schuffert made a unique, valued and memorable contribution to the Berlin Airlift. Schuffert, an aircraft radio operator, volunteered to do cartooning for the Airlift Times, which was a newspaper published by the U.S. Air Force for Airlift personnel. His keen sense of humor

  • Trummerfrauen: "Women of the Rubble"

    In the aftermath of World War II, Berlin was in ruins. Its population had been reduced by half, and nearly two-thirds of the city's 2.3 million citizens were women. Many of these German women -- known as Trummerfrauen, or "women of the rubble" -- worked hard to clean up and reclaim the city. In many

  • Trabant 601 S "Delux"

    Throughout the Cold War, the communists used East Berlin as a showcase for the success of socialism. Visitors were shown carefully maintained areas with shops, department stores and restaurants carrying some of the finest merchandise available in the communist block. However, the average East German

  • T9E1 75mm Cannon

    During World War II, the AAF equipped its B-25G and B-25H medium bombers and some Douglas A-26B light bombers with a single-shot manually loaded 75mm cannon in the nose. Though only three of four rounds could be fired during a single attack run on a target, these aircraft caused considerable damage

  • Teledyne-Ryan AQM-91A Compass Arrow

    This high-flying, unmanned photo reconnaissance aircraft is an early example of stealth technology. Developed in the late 1960s to fly into deep China, Compass Arrow was to cruise at nearly 15 miles altitude while taking photos showing ground details as small as one foot in size. After air-launching

  • Thiokol TE-M-364-4 Solid Rocket

    The TE-M-364-4 is a 15,000-pound thrust, solid-propellant motor developed for use as an upper stage in a variety of USAF space program applications. It is an enlarged version of the TE-M-364, one of a series of solid propellant motors that powered the workhorse USAF Burner I and Burner IIA upper

  • The Minuteman System

    The Minuteman intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) system is part of the U.S. nuclear "triad" of land-based missiles, submarine-based missiles, and strategic bombers. Conceived in the mid-1950s as the first solid-fuel ICBM in the U.S. nuclear arsenal and named for its quick-launch capability,

  • Thor Agena A

    The U.S. Air Force launched the world's first space photo reconnaissance satellites using a rocket like the Thor Agena A on display. These satellites, secretly code-named Corona, took pictures of the Soviet Union's bomber and missile bases during the Cold War. The USAF and the Central Intelligence

  • The "Hanoi Hilton" and Other Prisons

    The most notorious POW camp was Hoa Lo Prison, known to Americans as the "Hanoi Hilton." The name Hoa Lo refers to a potter's kiln, but loosely translated it means "hell's hole" or "fiery furnace." Hoa Lo's 20-foot walls, topped with barbed wire and broken glass, made escape nearly impossible. The