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Mask Policy:
In accordance with the updated guidance released by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Defense (DoD) and Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force will require all visitors to wear face masks indoors effective July 30, 2021 until further notice.

Visitors ages three and up will be required to wear masks while indoors at the museum. This policy applies to all visitors, staff and volunteers regardless of vaccination status. Visitors may wear their own masks or a free paper mask will be provided. Cloth masks will also be available for purchase in the Museum Store.
Additional information available here.

Fact Sheet Search

  • Gunship I: Spooky

    Spooky -- the first operational Air Force gunship -- was based on the World War II-era Douglas C-47 cargo aircraft. Armed with three side-firing 7.62mm miniguns, Spooky gunships dropped flares and stopped enemy ground attacks against airfields, bases and villages. They also provided road convoy escort and close air support for troops in contact
  • General Atomics Aeronautical Systems YMQ-9 Reaper

      The MQ-9 is a long-endurance remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) with a primary mission of locating and destroying time-critical and highly mobile targets. In addition to this "hunter-killer" mission, the MQ-9 also provides real-time intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) to military commanders.Larger and more powerful than its
  • General Dynamics F-111A Aardvark

      Originally known as the TFX (Tactical Fighter "X"), the F-111 was conceived to meet a U.S. Air Force requirement for a new tactical fighter-bomber. In 1960 the Department of Defense combined the USAF's requirement with a Navy need for a new air superiority fighter. The USAF's F-111A first flew in December 1964, and the first production models
  • German Camps and Hospitals Holding Internees

    The following German camps and hospitals held American POWs and civilian internees (as of Dec. 31, 1944).Lazaretts (Hospitals)Lazarett IV A Elsterhorst (Hohnstein, Czechoslovakia)Lazarett IV G (Leipzig, Germany)Lazarett V B (Rottenmunster, Germany)Lazarett VI C (Lingen, Germany)Lazarett VI G (Gerresheim, Germany)Lazarett VI J (Dusseldorf,
  • Gen. Henry H. "Hap" Arnold

    Note: This exhibit is located the connecting link between the World War II and Korean War Galleries.Pioneer of Air Force Research & Development"We must think in terms of tomorrow."- H.H. Arnold, Global Mission Henry H. "Hap" Arnold's long career in aviation spanned the period from the Wright brothers' earliest aircraft to jet fighters. His military
  • Gen. Henry H. "Hap" Arnold Artifacts

    Note: This exhibit is located on the museum's second floor.Gen. Henry Harley Arnold, a pioneer military aviator and man of scientific vision, built what became the most powerful Air Force of any combatant nation in World War II. His career spanned nearly half a century of military aviation.Taught to fly by the Wright brothers, he was the first
  • Guided Bombs in Korea

    After World War II ended in 1945, work on guided bombs essentially halted. With the start of the Korean War in 1950, however, the Air Force expedited the development of these weapons. The Air Force used two guided bombs in Korea, the VB-3 Razon and VB-13 Tarzon, primarily against bridges.The Razon and Tarzon worked using the same method. A
  • Gen. Daniel "Chappie" James Jr.

    Gen. Daniel "Chappie" James Jr. was the U.S. Air Force's first African American four-star general. Upon being promoted to four-star grade on Sept.1, 1975, James was assigned as Commander in Chief North American Air Defense Command (NORAD), a position he held until his retirement on Feb. 1, 1978. He died 24 days later.James -- who served in World
  • German V-Weapons: Desperate Measures

    "I am informed by the Fuhrer for the first time that the big rocket bomb weighs 14 tons. This, of course, is a devastating murder weapon. I suspect that when the first projectiles plunge down into London, the English public will panic."- Josef Goebbels, Nazi propaganda minister"The employment of this weapon represents a new effort by the enemy to
  • Glider Pilot Casualties

    Glider pilots suffered heavy combat losses as did the pilots of tow planes and the airborne troops which the gliders carried. They were towed in flimsy, noisy, unarmed, fabric-covered gliders at about 130 mph at the end of a 300-foot, 1-inch nylon rope in air made turbulent by the tow planes. They sometimes crash-landed at night in small fields

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